Thursday, August 28, 2008

GCA to Replace Aircraft - Return to Ministry ($130,000 needed)

Although we are still recovering from the crash of our Cessna 336 in Guatemala, we know that the ministry there is where we belong. The people of the Ixcan are pleading for our return. Many lives are saved using aircraft to provide emergency medical transportation and many missionaries and medical teams still need transportation to difficult to reach areas.

The best aircraft for the job is a Cessna U206 (like the one pictured - just without the Masai spears). We are working hard to raise enough funds to purchase a used U206.
The cost will be approximately $130,000.
So far about $15,000 has been raised.
Please help us meet the goal so that we can return to our life-saving ministry.

Excellent News Coverage:
WXYZ Channel 7's "Call Bill for Action
Ann Arbor News Front Page:
Thank you Jo Mathis and Mary Gibson!

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