Individual Auction Dinner Seats are only $50.00
Free babysitting on campus!
Event Schedule:
5:00PM Registration & Silent Auction
6:30PM Dinner
7:00PM Live Auction Entertainment by Roger Julie, RIA Auction Services
Map to Concordia: [click for a map to Condordia]
Click Here to Purchase Tickets or to Sponsor:

Please pre-register so that we will have plenty of food for everyone.
To RSVP and/or Volunteer or to donate an item call Tammy Burgess at (734) 239-2572
- All guests will have an opportunity to buy a $20 long stem rose with a mystery gift worth $20-$100
- Absentee bidding available - call or email for details
- Free Babysitting available 5-9PM (meal provided) 1/2 Hour entertainment provided by Red Nose Ministries
- Be an answer to prayer!
Because we (Robert and Jennifer Rice) will be in the US attending to aircraft maintenance tasks, it will be our pleasure to join you at this fun event. We look forward to seeing you there!
Saving Lives Through Flight - Why Your Participation Matters:
When you participate as a sponsor, attendee or donor , you are saving lives. To thousands of underprivileged children throughout Guatemala, medical evacuation services, medical check-ups, and dental care are unknown. Through the use of a small aircraft, Great Commission Air is working to provide life saving services by transporting medical volunteers, medical supplies, hosting clinics, and even providing medicine. GCA is also serving the region by providing transportation for Christian missions that are working diligently to implement social programs and spiritual teaching - missions that are providing hope.
Now more than ever your contributions and help are needed to make it possible for Great Commission Air to continue saving lives – spiritually and physically.
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