Monday, December 31, 2007

Sharing the Gospel with Neighbors

Sharing the Gospel with Neighbors:
Many of the kids that come to play on our porch are from families that speak Mam at home. Though most also speak Spanish and that is the language they use with us. An organization called “Faith Comes by Hearing” and an individual contributor were kind enough to donate several “Proclaimer” audio Bibles in several of the local Mayan languages including Mam, the most prevalent language in our village and in Spanish as well.

The children love to hear the New Testament both in their Mam language and in Spanish, as can be seen in the accompanying video. These audio Bibles are essentially amplified MP3 players and will run on solar power and also have an internal crank generator that can be used to charge an internal battery. A simple button-operated menu on the front of the device allows the user to scan through various books and chapters in the New Testament. The narration is of extraordinary quality and even includes background music. I highly recommend this product to anyone that wishes to bring the gospel to life in a community where Bibles are virtually non-existent or where most of the population does not read. They are especially useful here as many of these folks do not read, don’t have a Bible at home and many speak Mam at home. We wish we had a whole crate of these things! God bless the folks that worked for years translating the Bible into a their “heart language” of the people and the folks that made these devices!

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